Thursday, June 28, 2012

What “it takes” to be a good photographer.

’m writing this post in response to those that follow my artistic pursuits. You must know, though, that I’m not writing a post on “How to Become a ‘Good Photographer.’” The reason for that is because I don’t necessarily consider myself that. I’m just doing something that I love and enjoy and whether or not I am good at it is not for me to decide.

   I will just explain how I view my work, what principles my work rests on, and exactly how I came to be where I am now.

   For one thing, you must understand that, upon waking up every morning, you love your work. You love every aspect and every part of that work. If there is just one moment that you don’t feel confident and your mind becomes clouded with doubt, then it is a sign that something has to change. You must decide exactly where your heart lies. If you’re dealing with photography, it means that something doesn’t fit. It would be the same as you wanting to say that you want to be a driver. You can be a “Formula 1” racer, a taxi driver, a bus driver, a street driver, or just simply ship and deliver goods. The same goes for photography. You can shoot journalism stories, the flowers blooming outside, landscapes or Obama himself. If you believe that I’m a photographer and I can shoot everything, then that is your first, big mistake. It is the mistake of many photographers. Yes.  Theoretically, you can take pictures of everything; it is just that, by doing so, you will not achieve any success in your task because you cannot break up your talent and simply separate it into distinct pieces. It is only by focusing on one single aspect that that you will be successful. If you like fashion, you must begin to understand exactly what it is and how it works. If you like still shots of landscapes, then immerse yourself in this type of work. Learning occurs through perpetual practice. This is the best method for me, personally. Simply reading a book won’t get you far. To be honest, I don’t believe in textbook education in the photography industry altogether. You are simply forced to sit and be taught how to think, analyze; you are taught what’s “right” and what others believe. In my world of fashion, however, there are no limits.

   Like I said before, it is my understanding that achieving success and the results you want all comes from practice. Just keep shooting pictures; always look for something new. I don’t even know exactly what helped me. Most likely, I gained inspiration from other photographers that I admire. I would look at their pictures for hours, studying the lighting, models, and the different angles with which they took their pictures. By the time I was 17 years old, I already fully understood exactly what I wanted, not only from photos, but from life. I became inspired by this world: the world of fashion. Photography provides me with all of this, some infinite supply of energy that allows me to work and move forward. You see how important it is to be enthusiastic about you work. Without this enthusiasm, everything turns into a mundane routine.

   Learn to absorb criticism properly and to criticize yourself as well. There are no limits to skills; you can always get better and there will always be more to learn.  There will always be someone better. That is why you shouldn’t let your ego get the best of you after your first successful shoot. Everyday, you must look and be willing to learn that which you are lacking.

   If there is one aspect of great importance in fashion shots, it is the model. I would even say that the work of the model determines 80% of how the shot will turn out (but then again we are talking about fashion photography). Of course, you can airbrush everything with Photoshop, but believe me when I say that when you are working with a professional model, the results speak for themselves.

   I will again repeat: don’t put yourself on a pedestal! Just know your worth and love your work. Remember to do that, not sometimes, but everyday. If you do not have this, then find something that you do love and occupy yourself with it; it is only this way that your work will bring you success.

   I could’ve written much, much more about my work and about how I began and the hardships I experienced. I could’ve even written about the technical side of the work. I figure then, however, I would have to publish a book. That is why I decided to do my research on what I thought would be interesting to you and I will answer questions about it. If you’re interested in my work and would like to have some questions answered, please feel free to send them to the following:
   I will try my best to answer each question weekly via small blogs about my work. Thank you so much for paying such close attention to my blog.

   And by the way, I wanted to show you a preview of my last shoot with a very talented and beautiful model from the Ford Models. Enjoy!

Monday, May 14, 2012


My Dearest Girls!

I truly am aware of & recognize the topic that most of you are so fascinated with. And since I have such a great advantage of being exposed to it everyday as part of my career, I would love to share & engage you in some of my knowledge, insights, observations & simply know -hows of today's subject! Did I get you full attention yet?
Yes, of course! Give yourself around of applause! You got it right! Today's
amusing to most themes is: modeling!
   How do you become a model? - Is a question I come across almost everyday!
Let's be honest, almost all of us once dreamed of being a model! With our lil feet drowned in our Mom's shoes & having put on all the jewelry she owns, we proudly pretended to walk the runway like models. And Some still dreaming, trying to make a lil girls dream a reality, working on being a model. However, not everyone has got IT to become one! Just because one has the looks & practiced to walk the runway since she was a little girl, doesn't mean she can be one. In today's' subject I will debate on how JUST the looks & JUST the dream is not enough. It is combination of both and much more that is A MUST in the modeling world. And even though our favorite princess Cinderella’s song: "The dream that you wish  will come true". Having experience in this field, I have to add: "If you truly work hard for it".

   It's true that the photographers get to be the first ones who young models turn to. Who else if not a photographer will put an aspiring model in the right direction? The way that we (photographers) can guide our muse and advise no one else can. This is what I am going to help you with right now, however remember, that not all of us will & must do it. There are photographers that a model works WITH & there are photographers that she/he works FOR. Don't forget the difference between the ones that are paid to help a model create her/his portfolio, and there the ones that pay A MODEL for the work.
   Do not expect me tell you what all of you want to hear, which is that anyone can be a model. No it’s not. And because you are my readers and I care about you, I will be real & have no mercy
  So you want to be a model? Why not? Let nothing stop you, but remember these sort of guidelines I am going to share with you.
   In true tough reality, not everyone can become a model & its not as easy as some might think. To have you dream come true, you must put not only you heart and soul into it, but work extremely hard for it. An Yes, you have read it right in the beginning of my thesis when I said that LOOKS alone won't take you to be where you want to be. Beauty and looks are not the only factors that make a model, but true effort & I am not afraid to repeat again HARD WORK that you put into it! Even though, I do agree that appearance play a great role, but there were models I worked with that were not completely fortunate looking, but once I started shooting them, I could not get enough of them & those girls became extremely inspiring, pleased my mind & fulfilled all of my visions just by the way those girls presented themselves. As oppose to truly gorgeous models whose beauty turned into nothing but a bore & shots turned into a monotonous pattern of one after the other. You would think: So what's the photographer for? He or she is supposed to take pictures from the right angle & direct the shoot. But remember, not all photographers will babysit you and give you the direction. If you are getting paid for a shoot, no one will give you the second chance. It is very tough in this industry. If you do not know how to work it, then you won't be able to sell yourself. Just stand there & be beautiful is not going to get you anywhere. Neither will waiting for a photographer to call the shots for you & lead you.
   If you want my opinion, model is the girl who is strong-willed, determined, and aggressive in her dedication. In other words a girl of a strong character.

  It seems as if it's so easy to be a model. But it's a hard labor. It's a constant competition you have to deal with.     You must always look good, your skin, your hair, your body.
   You are running around all day between casting calls which are not paid & there is no guarantee you will be picked for the shoot after you spent so much waiting in line, and prepare yourself, diet, exercises for days before you get to stand in that line to have someone shoot you for just couple of minutes. And how I said it's all unpaid work, because most of the times, there is no guarantee you will get a call back. At times, it's ungrateful, unpaid labor. Sometimes, you won't even get casting calls. Other times you get discouraged and feel like giving up.

   According to my knowledge in this field, there are couple of things that must be taken into account to be a successful mode : model's determined effort, her age & her agent. I already expressed my thoughts about the effort; let's talk about the age. In my point of view, age matters more than the beauty. To start working after 26 is completely unrealistic for a model, only if she has a lot of experience on her shoulders & a great portfolio. And by including great portfolio, I do not mean pictures /shots that her portfolio is contained of but as a portfolio/resume of agencies she worked with & a list of a several amount of brands she was shot for. So it is not easy for me to say, but I will say it that it is going to be extremely tough. To be honest, I have no example I can bring as successful one who started at that age.
   The last but not least is the Agency. It is a must -must for a model to be agency represented. Because as far as your agent can push you, no one else can or will. It is their job to get you ahead, to get you through and most importantly get recognition. Well, perhaps, you may try on your own, yes, it might work in the beginning but it won't take you far to a level, which your agent can. Since all of the world famous companies or designers turn to modeling agencies only when they book a model to represent them or their brand.
   After all is said, I have to remind you that we live in a 21st century, in this day and age's fashion there are no great limitations. It's not necessary to have a cute little nose, or legs that start from your ears. If you know how to sell it, you will always find a customer that is looking just for your type. If it's not a runway, it's catalog, if it's not High fashion, it's commercial look that they are looking for. Needless to say, your EFFORT is what is so necessary; your HARD WORK is what will get you ahead. Believe in yourself, love yourself, never ever give up, because miracles do happen like in that Cinderella's song that ends like this:
     Have faith in your dreams and someday
     Your rainbow will come smiling thru
     No matter how your heart is grieving
     If you keep on believing
     The dream that you wish will come true
But do not forget to Just believe in it.
Try your best & work work work hard.
Alena Soboleva.


Photographer Alena Soboleva
Model Tatyana Chuchaeva
Model Valeria Kubliy
Make up Amanda Rae Negro
Hair Chantel George
Suma Chander fall/winter 2012



Being a professional Fashion photographer I am often asked: What does Fashion Mean? I respond to one's question with the question of my own, "Do you want to know what Fashion means? Or what Fashion means to me?"
The first question is easy to answer. I refer my inquirer to the World's dictionary according to which Fashion refers to current trends in look and dress up of a person, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior.
But even the World's dictionary cannot give us the precise answer.

  Fashion has it's own meaning to each individual. As each one is defined by our own style. Fashion is what makes each of us different from others.

  Now let's  go back to the question of what fashion means to me.  I think that I will never figure out no matter how much experience I gain in this field. Some address me as a great expert and a fashion guru. And yes, I can safely advise, criticize and draw the line on what is trendy and what is not. But at some sporadic moment I get petrified and realize that I have no idea what fashion really is. And what difference does it make if it's a photo, clothes or just a lifestyle.

  If we stop for a moment and ask ourselves, "Is there a person who knows EXACTLY what fashion is?" Is it a the world's most famous designer? But doesn't  each designer while showing their newest collection to the world is terrified to be criticized and not be accepted by the fashion world?

  Then who decides for us what is Fashion? Who creates a certain style at a certain time and labels it a FASHIONABLE item, puts certain item on a world's pedestal and assures everyone that this is "IT”. Who decides that? On the other hand, we also should not forget that there is always someone who would consider that particular fashionable item  not corresponding to their standard. 
Of course in some ways we all at least to some extent copy what we see on the covers of fashion magazines, but in the end we produce to the world something new, something unique. And the future success of the public
will depend on us.

  One can strive for months working on his or her own unique masterpiece that could be in a second denied by the public and fail under the world's criticism. Or what can seem to be so effortless, make no sense at the first sight might be accepted by the majority and become a next big thing.
So I have to  rephrase the question from "What fashion means?" to "What fashion means to ME?" All I can say is that Fashion is unpredictable, has no limits, no boundaries and no rules. The main thing is to keep your head high and be confident in yourself, in what you do and what you wear.

  In conclusion, with my years of experience, I learnt one thing for sure: are no standards in fashion and  no exact definitions. Fashion is defined by your belief & passion. Do not live someone else's life, do not follow someone else's rules, do not repeat the mistakes of others, be yourself, create your own fashion.
Alena Soboleva.